Lesson series

Teach Beginners English Online

Full Curriculum for Absolute Beginners
Level 1 - Book 1

FREE (first 5 lessons)

Try out out the first 5 lessons for free 

Teachers Guides HERE (Once Enrolled)

Complete Guide to Choosing an ESL Teaching Platform

Audio and Video

Video and Audio with Each Lesson 

Learn Step by Step

Vocabulary and Grammar introduced sequentially

Over 100 Countries

Used in over 100 countries since 1999

Complete Teacher Guide

Full Teacher Guide with every Lesson

Reader and Worksheets

Each Lesson includes  Student Reader and Worksheets, Video and Audio


First 5 lessons FREE 

Now only $9.99/month

Full Viceo and Audio

Video and Audio with Every Lesson!

  • Easy Scan QR Code to Practice at Home!
  • Video Worksheets




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